What is a System of Care?
A system of care is a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that are organized to meet the challenges of children and youth with multiple needs and their families. Service Coordination and Wraparound are collaborative, coordinated, cross-systems team-based planning processes implemented to address the needs of youth and families where those needs are multiple and complex. Service Coordination and Wraparound build upon the strength of services in the community that are currently working for families, and when needed, propose new services, supports, and/or strategies to be added in order to address unmet needs. These processes should be based and addressed within a System of Care that must account for:
- Broad array of services/supports available
- Individualized plan
- Least restrictive setting
- Coordinated at both the system and service level
- Family-driven, youth guided
- Emphasize early identification and early intervention
Multi-System Youth
Champaign County FCFC multisystem youth services are family focused and strengths based. Service Coordination and wraparound are venues for families with multiple and complex problems to effectively address their needs through a process that creates a unique intervention/ treatment environment which eliminates duplication and provides both traditional services and builds natural supports.